
2. Background and History


In 2008 Japanese government made a cabinet decision to approve an action plan for achieving a low-carbon society. The plan was formulated as a practical roadmap to shift towards a low-carbon society, as recommended by then Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda’s speech at the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit. In the same year, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) conducted the preliminary feasibility study before launching the Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP) project in 2009 as one of the countermeasures against global warming. The Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI) joined the project and provided the knowledge and experience garnered through the type III environmental labelling programme.
In March 2012, the Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP) project was completed as a pilot project and transferred to the hands of JEMAI in April. It was then renamed as the CFP Communication Program with certain changes to improve the cost-effectiveness of the programme.The programme aims to visualise “carbon-hotspots” in a product’s life cycle as well as promoting the communication between companies and consumers with a view to accelerate the move towards a low-carbon society.
The programme conforms to ISO14040, ISO 14044 and ISO/TS 14067. There is no legal framework for the programme. All the activities related to the programme are undertaken on a voluntary basis.

History >>

>Next: 3. Assessment standards of carbon footprints, Database and Reference

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